Nevertheless, many were understandably nervous about coming out in a professional setting. I was impressed by how comfortable with their sexual identity the undergrads were, how almost all of them were out in college, and had been since high school. I graduated from a liberal east coast college in 2005, and was not out until my senior year! It was great to see how accepted they feel at Kelley and in Bloomington.
Here's what was on their minds:
- Were you out in the work place? If so, how did you come out to your coworkers? Did you come out to everyone? If not, what made you decide not to? Time, place, manner, etc.
- Did you indicate your sexual orientation in any way on your resume?
- Did you have any problems being out, or not out, in the workplace?
- What, if anything, would you have done differently regarding the workplace and your sexuality?
- Did you incorporate your sexual orientation into your application for MBA school?
- How did you come out at Kelley? (I am assuming you are all out, given your participation in this panel)
- Have you had any problems being out at Kelley?
- Is there anything you would have done different, or are still planning to do, at Kelley?
- General advice for undergraduates, both in regards to work and school, and life in general.
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